Julia Scholl: Am zweiten Tag das Firmament, 2023, screen print, 112,7 x 199,5 cm, accompanying book, 2023, 17 x 25,5 cm, design: Christoph Reinicke

“At first glance, the suspended screen print appears to be a (blurred) image from the repertoire of pictures made with telescopes or similar instruments. In fact, however, it is the earliest photograph of the ultrasound image of a family member who died at an early age. With this knowledge, the picture is transformed: Not only does its inconsistency become the center of attention (the individual screen prints are calculatedly unclean in their transitions [...], they allow cracks or cuts to become visible, even if only on the surface), but the bridging between the largest (cosmological) and something very small (that below the mesocosm, life progresses into it) becomes tangible. [...]
The principle of the fissure or cut not only characterizes the suspended screen print, but also the choreography of the photographic works in the publication: the book starts with ultrasound photos and ends with them, intermittently, almost like a filmic cut, enlarged and alienated scenes from the family photo album can be seen, which make the participation of the lost person in the cosmos of the family perceptible. One of the astonishing effects that emerge when leafing through it is that the second series of ultrasound images are no longer just ultrasound images against the background of this knowledge; they change their meaning.”
Text: Daniel Martin FeigeTranslation: Julia Scholl
Photo exhibition view: Johannes Ocker